Happy 2010!!
Happy New Year 2010!

Today, it's a new start...Stepping into the 1st day of 2010...

It's a brand new year, with brand new HOPE & RESOLUTION!

Since it was Christmas Season, the previous week was kinda busy & fulfilling. Celebrated Christmas with family at home.

What is Christmas all about? Is it about Santa Claus & gifts or Christmas trees? Countdowns & parties?

The world has commercial Christmas and people are forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. The word Christmas has been replaced to Xmas. Where has Christ gone to? Shouldn't we recall what are we celebrating Christmas for?

Attended Christmas & Anniversary Dinner @ Star Restaurant.

A time to fellowship with church members.

Found this quotation very meaningful:

Don't be to concerned with what was and what will be;
Yesterday is HISTORY;
Tomorrow is MYSTERY;
but today is a GIFT;
That is why it is called a present.

-Grand Master Oogway in 'Kung Fu Panda'-

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