The journey back home was kinda 'adventerous'. Drove my motorcycle out to Sri Puteri. On the way out, SUDDENLY..felt my motorcycle was shaky and almost out of control. Luckily I wasn't driving fast. Stopped down to check what's wrong...the back tyre of my motorcycle was puncture.
Gosh! No choice, need to call the mechanic to fix it. Guess what causes the tyre to puncture?? Iron wires!! Just a few of these tiny little iron wires can cause the whole tyre flat! Sometimes, things just happened out of our expectation.
However, we can always find reasons to praise God.
1) Praise God that I was still in campus while the tyre of my motorcycle puncture.
2) Praise God that I haven't bought the ticket.
3) And most importantly, praise God that I still had a safety journey back.
Get to eat lotz of good food during Puasa month. I guess my family members were having all these malay food for this whole month. I'm missing the air jagung so much!! Milky milky air jagung..that stall was only available once a year..that is during the Puasa month.

Milky milky air jagung. The best air jagung I'd ever tried.

Was kinda busy during the weekend at home. Went to help out at my dad's language center coz they needed teacher urgently. The timing was right where I was there to help. Took over 3 classes, teaching children aged between 4-9 years old.
It was a totally new experience for me although it wasn't my first time teaching. I used to teach in a small group of 3-5 students, or teach personally. Teaching a class of around 12 students was my first time. It wasn't easy to handle a group of kids..maybe because I'm not fierce and those kids don't scare me enough. Hehehe..but I seriously don't know how to be fierce with those kids that are so cute, innocent and adorable.
It was torturing to wear high-heels while teaching. No choice..coz almost all my shoes were in campus. Giving me a backache coz I had to bend down to guide those kids. Some of them are just too young and can't even hold their pencil well, have to hold their hands and guide them write. At the end of the lesson, you'll feel the pain(leg pain + backache!!)
The past weekend..was busy..but fulfilling!
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