Read this passage - "Procrastination(delay) Leads Nowhere" from a book Breakfast with God. I guess my dad purposely showed me this passage coz he thinks that it suits me a lot.
Reason: Cause I often delay my work and only willing to start doing it until the very LAST minute!!
Here's a little poem for those who struggle with procrastination, found it very meaningful.
~How and When~
We are often greatly bothered
By two fussy little men,
Who sometimes block our pathway
Their names are How and When.
If we have a task or duty
Which we can put off a while,
And we do not go and do it
You should see those two ragues smile!
But there is a way to beat them,
And I will tell you how:
If you have a task or duty,
Do it well, and do it now.
We are often greatly bothered
By two fussy little men,
Who sometimes block our pathway
Their names are How and When.
If we have a task or duty
Which we can put off a while,
And we do not go and do it
You should see those two ragues smile!
But there is a way to beat them,
And I will tell you how:
If you have a task or duty,
Do it well, and do it now.
The result of procrastination

It was written in this passage: The Lord is concerned with how you use every moments of your life. Recognize that He desires to be part of your time-management and task-completion process today! Ask the Lord to help you to overcome any tendency to procrastinate and prioritize according to His plans and purposes.

Take this passage as a reminder. Do not DELAY your work! Change your attitude. Make a list of "things-to-do" and plan your day. However, it's easy to say than done! A person attitude can't be changed in a single day, it takes time. This applies to a last-minute worker like me as well, hope I can change my way of doing things!
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