Prosperous Tiger Year
Haven't been updating my blog frequently. I'm just to lazy & busy 2 do so! Hehehe..

Alright, gonna share what I've been doing throughout CNY. It was indeed a FUN & PROSPEROUS year! Managed to spend sufficient time with my family & friends and of coz didn't miss out those must eat food during CNY. Hahaha...

Decorated my house with cherry blossom

Made popiah, almond, butter cookies and Kek Batik.

CNY is a good time to gather with friends coz everyone is around!

Form 5 classmates house visitation

Visited our beloved teachers

Something special this year. Had sumptuous reunion dinner with my old classmates. It's good to have friends who had started working coz they certainly won't get to escape from the 'belanja' game.

Was treated with a sumptuous dinner. Thx Cher Soon for the treat!

Form 6 classmates gathering & house visitation

Act cute photo session

Managed to meet up with a few of my nearly-lost-contact Form 6 classmates (Cher Chong, Siau Chong & Boon Shen). Haven't got the chance to meet up with them after Form 6.

Make a trip to Melaka and we really had a good time of fellowship. Gathered and talked about those old days during school time was s fun and it really helps us to recall so much memories~

Melaka Trip

That will be all for CNY...

Back to the reality now...

Just realized that I only left 3 weeks b4 tis semester ends! The Long Sem-break is coming again & I am so excited!!! Looking forward 4 the adventurous trip I'm planning for this sem-break..

However, I need to complete all my tasks & final projects b4 welcoming the sem-break. Let's face it!

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