Pre-Study Week Trip
This entry had stayed in the draft of my post for weeks! Argh~I was being very patient in uploading the photos and was feeling very frustrated with Blogger's photo uploader and WifiUTM! It really spoiled my mood to blog!'s time to cool down. After so much frustration, I still managed to post this entry and shared my trip. Hehehe...

What is Pre-Study Week Trip all about?

Organizing a trip at the end of every semester has became a culture and our mission, I think. Although we still have projects and presentations coming up, we were able to put all those projects aside and organize a short distance trip to relax, refresh and recharge ourselves b4 the battle starts!

3 of my very noisy and 'tam-chiak' course-mates followed me back to Muar b4 study week starts. Felt like I was qualified to be the tour guide for my hometown as I brought them Jalan-jalan Cari Makan! Hahaha...


Although Muar doesn't have many places to go, Tanjung is certainly a nice place to hang out. It is a suitable place for recreation. Take a stroll along Muar River and enjoy the breeze. Surprisingly, a place like Tanjung wasn't easy to be found in other places.

Huge Durian Statue

Monkeys berkeliaran at Tanjung

Being a Muarian, those monkeys at Tanjung were simply wild and scary to me. I won't even bothered to stay and look at it! However, to my surprise again, my course-mates were very excited as they see these huge crowd of monkeys 'berkeliaran' everywhere! I guess this is one of the attraction at Tanjung ya...So, remember to bring your friends to this 'tourist spot' whenever they come to Muar!

Yong Sheng Confectionery

Brought my course-mates to Yong Sheng Confectionery to buy some local products. This newly-opened Yong Sheng located at Bakri is as grand as a hotel and a good place to buy gifts. Everything there was so tasty and you wish you can buy all!

Besides, there are Cafe everywhere in Muar, especially at town area. Most of the cafe are well-decorated with nice ambient. Most importantly, the price of drinks and foods of these cafe are reasonable.

Muar, is a place for good food! Never miss to try otah, pork satay, O-chien, ikan bakar, asam fish and many other food if you are in Muar.

The following day

Heading to Melaka

Hoe Kee Chicken Rice Ball @ Jonker Street

Nadeje Patisserie Cafe @ Dataran Pahlawan

Jalan-jalan @ Dataran Pahlawan's Padang


Christ Church & The Windmill

Later at night...

Satay Celup @ Ban Lee Xiang

This ends the low-budget and enjoyable + relaxing trip before the final exam...

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