That was Close!
Haven't been blogging recently coz I was On Vacation!

Just came back from a 2 weeks adventerous trips with my coursemates...

It was really FUN as we get to stop from place to place and explore those interesting places and nice food there! A very good and memorable experience after all. Will share more on my trips in my coming post....

Arrived at Muar at 5am yesterday morning and I have to start working as a part-time promoter on the same day itself at 12pm!! Sounds kinda crazy right? Really play till 'gao-gao' already baru willing to come back to work! Hehehe...

However, something unfortunate happened this morning as I was on the way to work. I was driving my scooter and stopped at the junction waiting for the traffic light. As the traffic light turns green, I accelerated my scooter and headed straight while this red Proton Savvy who wanted to turn left CRASH on my scooter.

WHAT THE HELL!!! Is this driver blind??? He/She totally ignore my existence and just make a turn without even bothered I was just right in front of him/her?

Thank God I managed to balance well and didn't slipped on the ground! At the moment when the traffic light turn green, every vehicle will accelerate up to its highest speed to escape from waiting. I wouldn't dare to image what will happen to me if I slipped and fell on the ground that time. I would have been crash to death or might mati ditumbang by my own scooter!!

Phew..That was Close!

Thank God I still survived and wasn't hurt! Really give me a heart attack!

And this is the crashing result of my precious bluey scooter






The blue plastic part to cover the engine was gone!!

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