Conquering the Cat City (Part 2)
-Day 3-

A visit to Jong's Crocodile Farm...

Must not miss the feeding time of the Crocodile. This is the most interesting part of all. The staff were reeling away the food (chicken, I think) during the feeding session.

Crocodile Feeding Time.

Observe the reaction of those crocodiles patiently. The crocodile have to aim the food and emerge from the water in order to get it. Frankly, I quite pity those crocodile as they need to hop several times to grab the food. Kinda tiring and need lotz of energy isn't it?!

Ever wonder why crocodile has it's mouth shape like that?? Maybe it kisses too much. Hahaha..

Crocodile with 'senget' mouth.


Next station ->

Pitcher Plant & Wild Orchid Garden.

It's time to explore pitcher plants as we rarely found it at Peninsular Malaysia.

Nice Pitcher Plant.

Wild Orchids

However, it's such a pity that those pitcher plants & wild orchids were not well-preserved in this garden. Most of the plants weren't fresh and looks almost half-dead.

Huge but Half dried-up Pitcher Plant.


Have you ever heard that each & every citizens in Kuching rear an Orang Utan in their home? This Orang Utan represents the status of that particular family. The wealthier the family, the bigger the Orang Utan! Don't believe me?? Make a trip to Kuching to found out whether it is true...

Next Station ->

Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

This Wildlife Centre is a place to preserve Orang Utans. There were altogether 24 Orang Utans in this centre. They weren't caged and were allow to move around freely. It was kinda dangerous as the Orang Utans might attack you!

Orang Utans coming to the feeding trail from the deep jungle.

The best visiting time is of course at the feeding hour. In fact, there was nothing much besides that time. We were allow to enter the feeding trail during the feeding hour. All of us have to remain silent while entering the feeding trail so that we won't scare off those Orang Utans. This is when those Orang Utans were released from the deep jungles.

Look!! A baby Orang Utan swinging freely on the tree. It was so cute when it make a 360 degree turn.


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